Fall Bucket List

By: Melaina Files


  • Go to a pumpkin patch


With pumpkins of every shape and size to choose from, make it a competition!  Who can discover the largest pumpkin? The smallest pumpkin? October 26th is national pumpkin day after all, don’t regret not exploring the numerous rows of pumpkins across the country this fall.  Perryville pumpkin farm, and Eckert’s in Belleville, IL both have excellent pumpkin patches within a reasonable distance!


  • Go apple picking


The juicy fruit is a necessity for the fall season, whether it be covered in caramel or bobbed from a bucket of water.  Just like pumpkins, apple picking can be made into a competition, who can pick the most?


  • Carve pumpkins


Let your creative juices flow.  No two pumpkins are the same, embrace your unique design.  Don’t forget to gut the pumpkin, that’s the best part after all.


  • Make caramel apples


The taste of the juicy apple, covered in sweet caramel sauce, sprinkled with nuts is sure to relieve you of your stressful life, even if that is just for a short moment.


  • Have a bonfire and make s’mores


Nothing is more satisfying than sitting next to a warm fire outside while munching on some rich and chocolaty s’mores.  Unless, that is, you get the extra satisfaction of making the bonfire yourself, a task everyone should know how to do.


  • Watch a scary movie


Scary movies scream fall, just about as loud as they make the scaredy cats of the group scream.  Scary movies are a great way to test the true bravery within you. A few personal favorites include, The Shining (1980), The Blair Witch Project (1999), and The Conjuring.


  • Go to a haunted house


If scary movies don’t seem to do the trick, haunted houses are sure to.  Although the idea of strangers dressed up in scary costumes trying their hardest to scare you at dark may seem a bit appalling, this activity is certain to leave you with a story.  Don’t forget to bring a friend, or more importantly their arm to squeeze throughout the scary maze.


  • Eat a bag of Halloween candy


Your dentist may disagree with this one, but chocolate is proven to reduce stress and improve your mood.  Save a few pieces for the eager trick-or-treaters who may stop by on the 31st!


  • Go trick or treating even if told you’re “too old”


If you really want to chow down on some yummy Halloween sweets, throw together a costume and take your pillowcase around the block!  Life is to short not to trick or treat every year, not matter your age. Age is just a number after all, right?


  • Collect colorful leaves


The epitome of fall changes is within the trees after all.  The most beautiful phase of leaves throughout the entire year must be remembered.  Red, orange, yellow, and even brown leaves, fallen off the tall branches and onto the ground below us, want to be recognized!!


  • Have an outdoor picnic


Enjoy the comfort of the outdoors with some of your favorite fall treats.  Maybe play a game of touch football once your belly is nice and full!!


  • Make a huge leaf pile and jump in it


Nostalgia is a real thing, this activity is sure to fill your heart with memories of being a carefree child.


  • Eat chili while watching Sunday afternoon football


Every American family can visualize this one.  A big pot of chili cooking in the kitchen, filling the air with a mouth watering scent, the TV turned on to the Patriots game.  A calm Sunday evening that is sure to fulfill your fall expectations.


  • Open the windows


The fall weather is a definite positive to the season, no more days drenched in sweat.  Open the windows, and let the cool breeze bring in the outside scents of fall into your home freely.


  • Bake a pie


I am not a huge pie fan, but I know for sure that a nice apple crisp topped with some vanilla ice cream is a fall favorite of my stomach!!


  • Go to a fall festival


If all of this doesn’t seem to do the trick, a fall festival surely will.  Fall festivals are an excellent experience for everyone to see the hallmarks of fall that bring everyone together.


  • Wear a cozy sweater


Whether it be the name brand sweater you saved up for last year, the knitted sweater your grandma made you for Christmas last year, or an over-sized sweater from goodwill, put it on and chill out.  Don’t worry, no one is judging you for wearing it all season long!


  • Go on a hayride


Hayrides may just be a Farmington, Missouri kind of thing, but they really do make you appreciate the fall season.  Sitting on the back of a trailer allowing your senses to take control while bundled up in your comfiest clothes, seems like a pretty good reason to go on a hayride.  Bonus: go on a haunted hayride for an extra adrenaline rush (as if you don’t have enough of those on this list).


  • Read a book


Reading may not be your thing, but I highly recommend reading a book or even listening to one this fall.  Books allow your mind to relax, while also enhancing the learning capabilities it holds. My favorite book right now is Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.  Bonus: read a book outside, enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!


  • Have a ‘friendsgiving’


Ahh, the best meal of the year has finally arrived, why not have it twice this year?  Plan a thanksgiving meal with your friends and you will be sure to thank me later. Don’t forget to tell everyone close to you, you are thankful for their presence in your life!

ENJOY FALL 2018!!!


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